Whilst primarily written as a youth work resource, 10:10 has also been successfully trailed and used in schools.

It seeks to help young people discover the difference that can be made to their (and other people’s) well-being when they practise things like savouring, thankfulness, kindness, forgiveness, develop healthy relationships and look after the mind, body & soul. The 10 themes use films, discussions, activities, experiments and personal reflection to give young people the opportunity to explore how they can look after their own well-being within a broad evidence-based framework.

Use in schools

10:10 can be used in lessons, tutor group times, assemblies, small groups, lunch time clubs or afterschool sessions. Suitable for Key Stage 3 & 4 it can be easily used within PSHE, RE as well as programmes offering additional support. Each of the 10 themes have clear aims and objectives to suit a wide range of learning outcomes including some which are contained within the Government’s statutory RSE guidance.

RSE Guidance Learning Outcomes RSE Guidance Learning Outcomes 10:10 Theme
Respectful relationships, including friendships
Respectful relationships, including friendships The characteristics of positive and healthy friendships, in all contexts including online, such as trust, respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, boundaries, privacy, consent and the management of conflict. 4 Kindness
6 Relationships
Reconciliation and ending relationships, this includes different (non-sexual) types of relationship. 5 Forgiveness
6 Relationships
Practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships. 6 Relationships
Mental well-being
Mental well-being How to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary. All themes
That happiness is linked to being connected to others. 6 Relationships
The benefits and importance of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation and voluntary and service-based activities on mental well-being and happiness. 7 Body
Physical health and fitness
Physical health and fitness The positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental well-being, including as an approach to combat stress. 7 Body
The characteristics and evidence of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, including the links between an inactive lifestyle and ill health. 7 Body
Health and prevention
Health and prevention The importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn. 7 Body

You can find out more about the aims and objectives for each of the ten themes here. If you have any further questions about the use of 10:10 within a schools context please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you are intending to deliver 10:10 in schools as a visitor we would highly recommend that you read this useful guide around best practice for outside visitors to schools published by Healthy Schools Bristol.